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Writer's Digest

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Established in 1920, Writer's Digest is the No. 1 magazine for writers of all skill levels, from the aspiring to the professional, covering all genres. Published bi-monthly, every issue features the information, instruction, and inspiration they need to achieve their business and creative goals. WritersDigest.com features daily market updates; a searchable database of writer's guidelines; an online ranking of the coolest places to get published; and an active online community of writers offering each other criticism and camaraderie.

Guy Gonzalez
800-250-6170 x15

Bob Rosen
800-250-6170 x11

Country Accents
Family Tree
Farmer's Almanac
ISSUES in Science & Technology
Log Homes Illustrated
Short & Sexy Hairstyling Ideas
Short Hairstyles
Timber Homes Illustrated
Writer's Digest